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Re: LVM reorganization

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
On Wednesday 2008 December 17 23:00:41 M.Lewis wrote:
Given a Lenny LVM setup as follows:

rattler:~# lvs
   LV     VG                   Attr   LSize  Origin Snap%  Move Log
Copy%  Convert
   home   rattler              -wi-ao 65.02G
   root   rattler              -wi-ao  6.68G
   swap_1 rattler              -wi-ao  2.59G

Is it possible to reorganize the current LVM to separate out say /var &
/tmp into their on LV?

Any free space on the VG? Or, can you make some by shrinking one of the filesystems and then shrinking it's associated VG?

No, free space is all used in LVs. Yes, I can shrink /home easily by 10-20GB.


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