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Re: virtual private server? advice requested

2008/10/15 paragasu <paragasu@gmail.com>:
>> Not necessarily. I would start off with a 64MB or 128MB and load test it. If it suits your
>> needs, why pay more?
> it is necessary. Standard installation of apache + mysql + debian +
> postfix etch consume memory more than 128MB (maybe you can do
> tweaking) on my VPS server it takes 180MB+ by only running the server
> without any load yet.
> i did try to run the standard required for server on 64MB memory (i do
> have account on VPSVillage.com) and it give me no good. I have to
> upgrade to get it working.

Well, maybe you're right about that, but:
(1) My point still stands: start low and upgrade if needed. This way
you won't be paying over the odds. Most VPS providers offer
near-instant upgrades.
(2) The OP didn't require MySQL. He specified static pages. This will
lower his memory requirements.
(3) Neither you nor the OP specified which version of Apache, nor
which mods. This will also affect his memory requirements.
(4) I'm fairly sure it's possible to get an email & web server running
on Etch with less than 128MB RAM. Whether the resulting server would
be able to handle the loads the OP specified, I'm not sure, but it's
doubtful. See (1) above.
(5) OpenVZ has a lower overhead resource usage (see
http://vpslink.com/compare/openvz-vs-xen-vps-hosting/) so it's a less
expensive option unless you need Xen-specific VPS features (the
ability to tweak the kernel, for instance). This could explain why
your 64MB vpsvillage.com account (on Xen) might have lower performance
than, say, a 64MB VPSVille.ca account (on OpenVZ).


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