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Re: OT: How to detect a keypress, and in which language?

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Kent West wrote:
The space bar as a keyer would be fine as a straight-key (just the single up-down paddle you see in the movies about the Old West), but I was thinking more along the lines of emulating a paddle (two side-ways keys mounted back-to-back, so that your thumb produces dits and your fore/middle finger produces dahs as you barely move your hand left-right-left). But it would be trivial to modify the program from one mode to the other. The hard part, as we've all discovered, is reading the keys while bypassing the buffer and controlling the speaker.

Guess what? kbhit() returns a non-zero value at a variable rate: between 65 and 300 ms. So you cannot distinguish between rapis key strokes and holding a key down.

Mmm; I wonder if it could be done with the mouse buttons instead of the keyboard, or if the same problem exists there ....


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