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Re: advantages and disadvantages of local/lang en_CA.UTF-8?

On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 01:15:32PM -0400, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
If I view this in mutt after a LANG=C, of course I can't see your
accented character (its a ??).  Interesting that your "can't" is also
"can???t".  I wonder why your editor chose to use a unicode for "'".

Because I told him to do. It’s a typographic question. I think this is the correct way to write.

By the way, you could try using TRANSLIT. From a mutt FAQ:

Characters are replaced by ? when charsets and fonts are correctly set up

The problem here is that characters in the document’s charset are simply not available in mutt’s current charset. This is particularly prevelant in documents created by Microsoft agents. Mutt can be instructed to make a best effort attempt to replace the missing characters with something similar by appending //TRANSLIT to the set charset declaration (e.g. set charset=iso-8859-1//TRANSLIT).

So you could try „set charset=us-ascii//TRANSLIT”.

OTOH, I've been writing english for 40 years and never needed an
accented character.  Sure, english is free and easy about incorporating
foreign words into the lexicon, but generally "anglosizing" them tends
to remove the accents.

Hm, are you referring to British English or American English? I think, „déjà vu” is the correct spelling (at least dict.leo.org is saying so ;-). And you will certainly need those characters when you are writing names, no matter if this is an English speaking person or not.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz                    E-Mail: Nur-Ab-Sal@gmx.de |
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