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Re: advantages and disadvantages of local/lang en_CA.UTF-8?

On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 12:09:20PM -0400, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
If I write a plain text, in english, on my UTF-8 stock debian system, is
it safe to assume that it will be readable by a computer that doesn't do
UTF-8 that just has 'C'?  Will that multi-lingual README written in

US-ASCII is a subset of UTF-8, so any text written in US-ASCII is readable in LANG=C. But the English language can have characters beside the 7bit ASCII characters as well (e.g. é). So you can’t say that the English language is 7bit-only.

I don't particularily care if the chinese section shows properly on my
system since I don't read chinese.  Ditto french.

French or other European countries are using all US-ASCII characters as well, but they have far more 8bit characters than English.

„man ascii” will show you all characters readable in C, „man iso-8859-1” will show you 8bit characters, some of them are used in the English language as well. Those would not be readable in C.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz                    E-Mail: Nur-Ab-Sal@gmx.de |
| PGP Public Keys: http://fsing.rootsland.net/~stse/pgp.html |

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