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Re: GPG and Signing

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Joe Hart wrote:
> John Hasler wrote:
>> Joe Hart writes: 
>>> I also have serious doubts over the real security benefits of SELinux
>>> specifically because it was developed by the NSA.  It is not rational
>>> that they would design a security system that they could not access, and
>>> then release it to the public.
>> Only if you have a very naive and simplistic view of NSA and its mission.
> My doubts of the NSA mostly come from watching too many "conspiracy
> theory" books, and knowing that the NSA is an unregulated branch of US
> government.  The phrase "in the interest of National Security" has been
> and can be used to cover up just about anything, and the NSA is one
> organization that frankly scares me in what they can get away with.
> That's where my distrust comes from.  The FAA and FCC are not much
> better.  But those organizations don't concern me much anymore because I
> am no longer a resident of the United States.  Now get to be watched by
> the CIA instead of the FBI, and the ATF.  Although there are rumors...
> Again, we're getting way off topic here.  Politics doesn't really belong
> on this list and I do not plan to engage in discussing it further.  Let
>  us just leave it alone.  I don't really care what the US Government
> does unless they start ordering the military to drop bombs in my
> neighborhood.
> Joe

Do'h, watching books, that's good.  I meant reading books and watching
movies.  The least I could do is proofread my own messages.  Shame on me.

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