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Re: GPG and Signing

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Kent West wrote:
> Joe Hart wrote:
>> Now you can send me encrypted mail (if you have my public key)!
>> Whoopie!  Like you really need to.
> It's been suggested that you should use encryption whenever possible as
> standard procedure; otherwise, when you need to send an encrypted
> message and do so, it catches the attention of anyone who's paying
> attention because it's different than your standard operating procedure;
> then "they" begin to wonder, "Hmm, what's he trying to hide all of sudden?".

Hmm, that's an interesting observation.  I didn't think of that.  Of
course, most of the people I communicate with via e-mail don't use PGP
so I can't send them encrypted mail.

I do like the idea though.  I just wonder, how difficult is it really
for the authorities who may confiscate my computer to break the GPG
encryption?  I know it has something to do with the length of password,
but is seems that a cluster of computers could use a brute force attack
and succeed in discovering the password eventually.  It might take a few
months of constant number crunching though.  Meanwhile I rot in jail for
"engaging in suspicious activity".

In some ways it is better not to encrypt mail.  It is like saying "I
have nothing to hide here, go ahead read my mail."


- --
Registerd Linux user #443289 at http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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