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Re: GPG and Signing

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John Hasler wrote:
> Joe Hart writes: 
>> I also have serious doubts over the real security benefits of SELinux
>> specifically because it was developed by the NSA.  It is not rational
>> that they would design a security system that they could not access, and
>> then release it to the public.
> Only if you have a very naive and simplistic view of NSA and its mission.

My doubts of the NSA mostly come from watching too many "conspiracy
theory" books, and knowing that the NSA is an unregulated branch of US
government.  The phrase "in the interest of National Security" has been
and can be used to cover up just about anything, and the NSA is one
organization that frankly scares me in what they can get away with.

That's where my distrust comes from.  The FAA and FCC are not much
better.  But those organizations don't concern me much anymore because I
am no longer a resident of the United States.  Now get to be watched by
the CIA instead of the FBI, and the ATF.  Although there are rumors...

Again, we're getting way off topic here.  Politics doesn't really belong
on this list and I do not plan to engage in discussing it further.  Let
 us just leave it alone.  I don't really care what the US Government
does unless they start ordering the military to drop bombs in my


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