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Re: Silly question: Where's eth0?

Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum(bg271828@yahoo.com) is reported to have said:
>> I know this must be an incredibly dumb question, but i cant find my
>> eth0 interface.
>> I normally use a WiFi connection on my laptop, running Etch with
>> Gnome. But i just brought the computer into an office, plugged in an
>> Ethernet cable, and waited for NetworkManager to pick it up. And
>> waited. And waited. Eventually i took a look at the Desktop ->
>> Administration -> Networking tool, and there was not eth0 listed
>> there, and then i ran ifconfig and eth0 isnt there either.
>> My /etc/network/interfaces does have "allow-hotplug eth0" in it. And
>> i am getting flashing lights from the plugged-in Ethernet port, so
>> it's not a dead connection. Why is this interface missing for me,
>> and how do i get it back?
>The best way to fix this is to install the debian-reference package.
>Chapter 10, Network Configuration, will answer all of your questions.

I did read Chapter 10 online, more than once, and im afraid that i didnt see an
answer to my question there. Everything assumed that the interface was available,
an everything i did try to do to get it up (i.e. using ifup or ifconfig) just gave
me "Ignoring unknown interface" or "No such device" errors. Also section 10.6.5.
mentions network-manager as something that doesn't exist in Debian yet, although it clearly does,
which is a further worry because thats what im trying to use.

If its really there and i just cant see it, i apologize, but i did say it was a "silly" question.


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