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Re: Help with Debian Install

Ed wrote:
I downloaded an image called debian-40r1-i386-netinst.iso.  The install
went fine until I got to the step to 'Configure the Package Manager'.
When I do this step, it asks if I want to use a network mirror and I
choose 'yes'.  It then asks for a protocol and I choose 'http' although I
also tried 'ftp' and it fails also.  Next it asks for a country and I
choose 'United States'. Next it asks for a archive mirror.  I have tried
nearly all, but currently I am trying 'linux.csua.berkeley.edu'.  It asks
if I need a proxy and I leave that blank and hit 'continue'. Then it says
scanning the mirror, but I see no activity on my modem. After a few
seconds it reports that "Bad archive Mirror - The specified Debian archive mirror is either not available, or does not have a valid release file on it. Please try a dirrerent mirror". This happens no matter which mirror I choose. I am new to Debian
and unfamiliar with its tools.  Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Ed Doyle

What kind of network card is in the computer? It sounds like the driver for it is not getting loaded or something.


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