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Re: OT: Choice of OOo and LaTeX (Was: Tool for document management)

On Sep 26, 2007, at 2:11 PM, Rob Mahurin wrote:
You're concerned (I think) about not being able to merge changes in
OpenOffice's data files using revision control, because those files
aren't straightforward text.  Someone else mentioned Abiword, which
saves uncompressed XML; but there's metadata in there too, which might
not merge correctly. It looks like Abisource offering revision control
for collaborative writing, http://collaborate.abisource.com/faq/, but
that's probably not what you want either.

He's made it clear that he doesn't want to use anything but OOo. So the focus of the thread discussion so far would appear to be completely wrong; he apparently has a very specific desire for a version control tool that works within OOo. I'm not sure such a thing exists, so he may be up a creek without a paddle.

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