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Re: bacula dependencies

El dom, 23-09-2007 a las 14:35 -0400, Tom Allison escribió:
> I was trying to install bacula on my server and ran into some  
> dependency problems that didn't seem to fit:
> postgres 8.1
> sqlite.
> My intention was to install this and use my existing postgres 8.2  
> database since that already has all the settings tuned for  
> performance and reliability.
> The method for doing this was based on the -unstable branch for  
> installation.
> But I can't seem to get around installation of postgresql-client-8.1  
> and sqllite3.
> Is there something I can do besides the somewhat obvious alternatives  
> of installing software I don't want or waiting?

You could try forcing things, but it's not very recomended... if there's
a dependency it must be for a good reason.

Try 'dpkg --force-help' . You're probably interested in
--force-depends-version or --force-depends.

Gabriel Parrondo
GNU/Linux User #404138
GnuPG Public Key ID: BED7BF43
JID: gabrielp@xmpp.us

"The only difference between theory and practice is that, in theory, there's no difference between theory and practice."

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