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Re: Upgrading from Etch to Lenny

Russell L. Harris wrote:
* Mike McCarty <Mike.McCarty@sbcglobal.net> [070920 22:21]:

Russell L. Harris wrote:

* Douglas A. Tutty <dtutty@porchlight.ca> [070920 21:10]:

On Thu, Sep 20, 2007 at 04:28:09PM -0400, Gregory O'Neal wrote:

I am new to linux.  I have been running Etch for a month or so now on
my Gateway Desktop.  I am considering moving up to testing.  This brings
up the question of what is the proper way to accomplish the upgrade?

May I humbly suggest that you may not have had time to learn
enough about linux or Debian to run testing?  It is, after all,

Humbug!  Your comment may be applicable to "unstable", but not to
"testing".  I ran "unstable" for about two years, and I experienced
very few difficulties.

"Humbug" is a very strong word. It indicates intentional fraudulent
claims. Perhaps you'd like to moderate your statement?


Lighten up, Mike!  You are reading into my reply a connotation which I
did not intend and which is not supported by the context.

If you want people to take you lightly, then add a smiley.

The meaning of a word is determined by the context in which the word
is used.  The lexicon or dictionary is merely a compilation of

You sound like Humpty Dumpty.

Oppose globalization and One World Governments like the UN.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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