Re: SVG broke after installing Pidgin unstable package
On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 11:29:35PM +0530, Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 01:36:13PM -0400, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> > Congratulations, you just killed your system.
> Though he's very terse, what Doug means to say is that you have broken
> your system by injecting a potent mix of unstable packages, which is
> not recommended. One thing you might (or might not) want to do is, a
> straight dist-upgrade to unstable (sid) using apt-get dist-upgrade,
> but the choice is yours.
> Kumar
> P.S. I've been using sid for a long time, and am able to get work done
> with no problems! So, don't be afraid.
Sorry for being terse. Yes it may be possible to revive it with
Advanced Aptitude Life Support (TM):) but I figured that anyone who
didn't have the knowledge to prevent the problem probably didn't have
the knowledge to perform the AALS. I have been mistaken before.
To this end, the OP may not realize that if he does go up to Sid that
downgrading is not supported. It may be a learning experience to fix
the system or move to Sid, however, if he has the bandwidth to make
keeping up with Sid an option (I'm on dialup so can't), it will probably
be be faster to just reinstall Etch.
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