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Re: Strange video troubles (DPMS & nv driver)

Ralph Katz <ralph.katz@rcn.com> writes:
> wrt dpms:
> Until you get a more knowledgable reply, man xset (especially, the 's'
> option) and man xscreensaver-command (-time) may help.

Many thanks.  I will read up on these right now.

> I use the nv driver, but have a crt.

I have gotten to thinking.  Does nv take any flags like nvidia does?
Could there be a setting I could manipulate when loading it which could
help with LCD monitors, or the like?  I must admit complete ignorance on
this issue, as when I used nv consistently I had a very simple setup
with a CRT as well.  I never needed to do anything but load the driver
for it to work.

> Sometimes, mplayer or another player disables the screen saver and
> forgets to re-enable it, which is annoying.  That accounts for failure
> to engage dpms actions for me for those cases.

I had not thought of this.  I have noticed that at times mplayer will
disable dpms and never reset it, apparently.  In most cases though it
only seems to turn off dpms during play, but perhaps if it dies for some
reason...?  I have also noticed that avidemux2 kills all dpms and does
not restart it.  I very, very rarely use that though, and not nearly as
often as the problem has appeared.  But, it very well could be some
other application I am not thinking of which I use just often enough to
be causing a problem.  Perhaps next time I notice the monitor refusing
to sleep I will try 'xset q' and just see if dpms has been disabled.  I
can't remember if I did that before, but it may be informative.

> fwiw, I have no Section "ServerFlags" in my xorg.conf on this etch box.
>  There are no log entries indicating screen saver or dpms actions or
> settings.

But, do you have dpms on?  If so how does it know when to set standby
and so on?  Or do you use xscreensaver or the like?  Do you think
removing the ServerFlags section and then using only xscreensaver may
have an impact?  I may try that.

> Good luck!
> Ralph Katz

Many thanks Ralph.


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