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Re: bash vs. python scripts - which one is better?

On 8/8/07, Manon Metten <manon.metten@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Nelson,
> On 8/8/07, Nelson Castillo <nelsoneci@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Nowadays I replaced Perl with Python, but I still use Perl from time
> > to time (to write one-liners mostly).
> Why did you switch from Perl to Python?

I found the code I wrote easier to understand. But as I said before,
I still use Perl for some tasks. I guess you don't actually switch
languages, but learn new ones and then you end up writing
more code with what you're comfortable with. Or with the
best one for a given task.

I'm also learning new languages (Scheme, Verilog this time). As
someone pointed out, many people just try to learn many languages.



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