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Re: lenny comfortable yet?

On 7/6/07, Douglas Allan Tutty <dtutty@porchlight.ca> wrote:
I ran Etch for about 6 months before it became stable since my new box
required it.  I'm runing amd64.

I'm still on a (sniff) AMD  Thunderbird 1000 mhz box. :)

I'll bet that going from a 486 to an AMD 64 is one hell of an improvement. :)

Now I'm finding that a lot of the sites I need use flash not just for
decoration but the main content.  Of course, Etch amd64 doesn't have the
wrapper that allows me to use a flash player without using an i386

I don't like flash but once in a while it's useful. I  actually don't use it all that
My daily must-haves really are mild: base system, a brower (lynx or
links2), an editor, mutt, exim, fetchmail, and I like mc, and aptitude
(or apt-get or even dselect or plain dpkg in a pinch), along with

That stuff should be easily doable in lenny.

I've been running lenny maybe a month (if not that long) and it's been pretty
good. Etch I ran for quite sometime - probably over a year and watched it
slowly go to stable. I switched sometime after the move.

The biggest headaches are the sudden lack of 3d acceleration on the nvidia
geforce fx5200 (and to think I just acquired the card about a month or two
ago!), and the difficulty with the tetex to tex-live transition. I'm not a tex user (was
but that was very lightweight "getting my feet wet" sort of use when I first was exploring
Linux) of it but it seems to want to get installed, and last night's dist-uipgrade didn't go
very well. I even ran out of disk space on my / partition. (It was small, but not *that* small.)

I certainly don't want to have to install/configure a slew of internationalsation files for
texlive/tetex or what have you - things like mongolian and vietnamese things are stuff I'm not
anticipating I'd ever use.

Is there an easy way to just remove the TeX related stuff without causing dependency
problems (ISTR that kdvi and some other KDE things need it, and I don't want to have to remove al of KDE too)?



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