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Re: Etch: Gnome, Hal & Iomega Clik 40

Jacob L. Anawalt wrote:
> Does lshal include any merged information when showing it's output?
The answer appears to be yes.

I joined #hal on freenode and mbiebl pointed out that storage.bus in
/usr/share/hal/fdi/preprobe/10osvendor/10-ide-drives.fdi wasn't matching
my pcmcia device. So I put a modified copy of it into
/etc/hal/fdi/preprobe as clik-pcmcia.fdi (attached.) After restarting
hald (invoke-rc.d restart dbus) lshal included the information from

Now double-clicking the icon in Gnome was trying to mount the right
volume, but it was failing most of the time. It appeared to be a problem
with the pmount filesystem autodetection routines. From the command line
I would have less than a 10% chance of pmount working without the
filesystem type argument. With it, pmount worked every time. The mount
command worked every time without the argument, so pmount seemed to do a
little more than just wrap mount with a policy.

The easiest solution was to add an entry to /etc/fstab and create

/dev/hdc4       /media/hdc4     vfat    user,noauto     0       0

Since this system is a laptop and hardware isn't changing much, it seems
to be a workable solution. Another option that seemed to work was to use
pmount from the command line with the filesystem type. Once the drive is
mounted, you can get to it via the GUI. (After all this mucking about
it's best to log out and back in to get a fresh view in Gnome from HAL.

I'll try to discover where 10osvendor/10-ide-drives.fdi comes from and
submit a bug report/patch for the pcmcia clik drive if it's not already
fixed in a later version.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<deviceinfo version="0.2">

    <!-- Handle weird IDE drives (Jaz and Zip) by matching on the IDE model -->
    <match key="storage.bus" string="pcmcia">
      <match key="storage.drive_type" string="floppy">
	<!-- IOMEGA CLIK! Drive -->
	<match key="storage.model" contains_ncase="CLIK">
          <merge key="storage.drive_type" type="string">zip</merge>
          <merge key="storage.no_partitions_hint" type="bool">true</merge>
          <merge key="storage.requires_eject" type="bool">true</merge>
          <!-- treat as floppy and data at partition 4; adjust device file -->
	  <append key="block.device" type="string">4</append>


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