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Re: Apache2 and PHP5 configuration problem: SOLVED

Atis wrote:
On 6/7/07, Bob McGowan <bob_mcgowan@symantec.com> wrote:
I've got both these installed on my Debian etch system.  I've enable the
'server-info' and 'server-status' URL's and based on the info in them,
the mod_php5 module and configuration are loading.

I have Apache set up so I can access it without problems, so far as HTML
files are concerned (/var/www/apache2-default/index.html and
/var/www/index.html both serve correctly).

However, when I try to use a .php file, a file download dialog pops up.
  So, I'm clearly missing something in the Apache2 configuration.

Can someone point me the right way on this?

#a2enmod php5


As noted in my first post, the Apache info from 'server-info' tells me:

Module Name: mod_php5.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: Content Handlers
Module Directives:
    php_value - PHP Value Modifier
    php_flag - PHP Flag Modifier
    php_admin_value - PHP Value Modifier (Admin)
    php_admin_flag - PHP Flag Modifier (Admin)
    PHPINIDir - Directory containing the php.ini file
Current Configuration:


Which I thought implied that all the links for enabling modules were correct. But, I had done them manually, so just to be sure I removed the two (php5.conf and php5.load) and used 'a2enmod php5' as suggested.

No joy. I'm still prompted to download the file rather than having the server execute it.

Am I missing some other Apache directive needed to allow access to or execution of PHP scripts?

-- After some additional poking around and talking with one of my co-workers:

My document root is /var/www, with the default RedirectMatch that lets apache2-default work. Turns out this was actually the problem. Commenting out the redirect and putting all the files in the document root that needed to be there, fixed the problem.

This probably means there were missing directives for the setup I had before, but that's moot, for now.

Bob McGowan
Symantec, Inc.

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