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Re: vesa display codes (Etch Xorg memory leak?)

On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 07:44:14PM -0500, Owen Heisler wrote:
> Anyway, I tried some other video= lines and nothing makes any
> difference.  I tried vesafb, rivafb, and nvidiafb for the driver and
> both 1024x768 (vga=791 works fine) and 1280x960 for the resolution (all
> combinations for rivafb and nvidiafb, not vesafb:1024x768 I think).  I
> don't know if it is relevant, but once the system is booted, I can load
> a nvidiafb module, but not either of vesafb and rivafb.

That's normal. vesafb is compiled in (not a module) and rivafb is not 
compiled at all.

> Like I said, this isn't really a problem; if I just need to make a
> custom kernel, I'll drop it for now and maybe later... sometime...

Here is what I would try:

1. A simple vga=  to the kernel (vga=791 should give 1024x764-16bpp). If 
this works you only need to find the correct parameter to get the right 
resolution (though it is already better than 640x480).

2. Find out what the correct driver for your video card is. AFAIR rivafb 
is only for *very* old cards. The newer ones should work with the 

3. Put nvidiafb in your initrd and boot with the correct 
video=nvidiafb:... option. You must google for the exact parameters to 
pass as they might be different from other drivers.

1. with the correct parameter might be enough, but if it doesn't work or 
doesn't give the desired resolution you might experiment with 2. and 3.  
None of them involves kernel compilation.

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(Albert Einstein)

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