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Re: (OT) Re: rampant offtopic and offensive posts to debian-user

On Sat, May 19, 2007 14:34:50 PM -0400, Greg Folkert
(greg@gregfolkert.net) wrote:

> That changes many thing. First off BANNING is not the answer. It
> will be seen a a "bad thing" by the blogosphere and some journalists
> that see only bad things.

You mean more bad than "the main support forum of one of the purest
(in the FSF/GNU sense) distros out there is worthless because it's
more noise than substance"?

>       * Don't respond to "Trolls"
>       * Don't respond to "flames"
>       * Don't respond to "hard to resist" messages
>       * Don't respond to "provoked into" messages

This is useless when there is a whole patrol of trolls all intent to
answer each other.

> No, there is another way, making all Debian lists subscriber only.

Personally, I'd like it, if nothing else because the spam sent to
debian-users messes with bayesian filtering. This one is the only
lists where I get false positives (tips to improve this are welcome,
but are probably better off list, or at least as a separate thread).

This said, if this list became subscriber-only, you would still have
to ban those addresses to solve the problem, isn't it?


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