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Re: [OT] The record industry, RIAA and US law

On Thu, May 10, 2007 at 09:38:27AM +0200, Joe Hart wrote:
> > 
> I don't think envy plays much of a part.  Perhaps it used to, but thing
> like Katrina opened up the world's eyes to see how many real Americans
> live and not just the ones that the media lets them see.  One of the
> things that was shocking to most foreigners I believe was not so much
> what happened during the crisis, but that they saw that a large number
> of people live in poverty.
It is shocking that in a large country that apparently breeds dependence
on the government that people live in poverty?  Boy, those people must
be quite deluded.

> I used to be Republican, until I saw some of the things that they passed
>  post 9/11.  Many of those laws are quite fascist, and they strip many

And many of those laws have *equal* amounts of Democrat support.  What's
your point?  Plenty of people *think* those laws are good for them.  It
is the product of government control of the schools.  People
automatically think that the government should do everything for them.

> of the freedoms that are given in the Constitution.  Perhaps when a good
> court gets appointed, the laws will be deemed unconstitutional.  Only

I think that Rudy Guliani is the best hope this country has for
appointing anything resembling good supreme court justices.

> time will tell.  In the meantime it is becoming McCarthyism all over
> again, on a worse scale.  Accuse your neighbor of being a terrorist and
> watch what happens to him.
Yep.  Quite sad.


Roberto C. Sánchez

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