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Re: apt-get install synaptic / sources.list

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somethin2cool wrote:
> I think the point might have got lost in there:
> So can anyone tell me how to add a Sarge repo, and also the Etch one.
> Yes they ought to be set up already but they aren't and the information
> is not on any link in Google's first 5 pages. I have looked of debian
> man, which tells me how to make one from scratch (which is awesome, but
> not what i want this month), and it either doesn't say what the
> repository addresses are or it is hidden really really well. Surely the
> repository addresses should be published on the website?

OK, you want to break your system?  Fine here's what you want:

In the file /etc/apt/souces.list you will (or should) see lines that
look like this:

deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ etch main contrib non-free

Now, your mirror may be different, but the above will work fine.

Add another line that says:

deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ oldstable main contrib non-free

Then do:

apt-get update.

You'll then be ready to install any package from sarge that you want to,
but it *should* default to pulling things from etch if it can find them
there. You might want to research apt pinning to better manage which
package comes from where.

I warn you again though, this is not a good idea.  You'd be better off
downloading the tarball from the developers' web site and compiling it
that you would by trying to use apt to pull in a package from sarge.
The packages there are old, and have very different dependencies.

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