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Re: a Debian user's introduction to Redhat EL4?

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Greg Folkert wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 18:54 -0400, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 12:32:45AM +0200, Peter Teunissen wrote:
>>> I've got a great opportunity to promote opensource at my job by  
>>> working on a BI project for Oxfam. But, I'm forced to use Redhat EL4  
>>> and need to get up and running in a short time. I've been looking for  
>>> a Debian user's introduction to Redhat EL4, but only found intro's in  
>>> the other direction :-)
>>> I'm sure others on this list have had the same challenge
>> But this is debian.  Why not ask RH for a transistion guide?  One
>> doesn't ask Microsoft for help transitioning to Debian.
>> Isn't RHEL a commercial product?  Surely such a transition document
>> would come under "you get what you pay for...".
> I am sure that he really meant the other way, "a RHEL User's
> introduction to Debian (and its far superior tools and ways)"
> I hope. I really hope. But since he is is using RH, I am afraid not.
> In any case, RPM dependency hell, rings a big bell to me. YUM and
> up2date are know to have significant deficiencies.
> I've seen and do have some experience with RHEL and its wonderful
> rolling ABI and API problems, unlike Debian "Stable".  

I wonder if it might not be designed this way on purpose.  I mean how
better to sell support contracts when the product needs support because
the admins run into trouble?  Kind of like the conspiracy theory that
says that a lot of the viruses come from the same people who make the
anti-virus programs, thus creating a business for themselves.

Now of course this can't really be true, but one does have to wonder.


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