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Re: GPL v3?

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Misko wrote:
> Can anybody explain what is the difference between GPL v2 and GPL v3.
> And why is versionn 3 considered not good by some people,
> also same for version 2.

Mainly the difference is that v3 has clauses to prevent people from
restricting users what they can do with things that the software makes,
such as putting DRM in media.

> How was GPL v2 used that it has raised the need for new version?
> Bare in maind that I could read both licences but probably would not
> understand what is there talking about. Actually I read GPL v2
> and as I understand it is:
> if you use code under GPL your program has too be under GPL.
> Is this not correct (somebody suggested that come companies find legal
> way to use GPL code for proprietary program - how to)?

I am not exactly sure how these companies justify doing what they do
with code that is under the GPL, but they do it none the less.  AFAIK,
they add functionality to the code then refuse to release the source
code, or make it work only on proprietary hardware and release the code,
but it doesn't help if you can't get the hardware to run it on.  I will
not metion names because I don't want to get slapped with a law suit.
Just make sure you read license agreements before you install things.

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