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Re: Desktop user: Etch or the next testing?

2007/4/4, Wei Chen <wchenhk@gmail.com>:
2) Is there any Debian specific LVM Howtos where I can learn debianized LVM?

3) How does LVM handle software upgrades in Debian?

For extra Debian specific stuff, I have no idea... I think there is
nothing special. Google gave me http://deb.riseup.net/storage/lvm2/...

4) Say I have 2 physical disks. Now I can put important data on disk 1
and put the backups of those important data on disk 2. In this way I
have two copies of important data on different physical devices (Only
some (not many) of my data are /important/.) Can I do similar using LVM?

Ya you can create a snapshot logical volume that will register all the
new modifications done on the volume you want to back-up starting from
the time you took the snapshot (to back-up 500GB of data, you may need
only 1GB of snapshot just to record how things were before these new
modifications happened) and then, you can copy, handle, launch your
favorite back-up tool on this snapshot lv to back-up things as usual.
Read more info on

5) Is there an easy and supported way to convert my current disks (and
data on the disks) to LVM?

As Doug said, and because lv are just normal partitions that are
mounted normally, you are just asking to move your current partitions
to new ones. I think you can do it by booting on a live-cd, preparing
new partitions, moving the files chroot into moved env, rewriting
fstab ...


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