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Re: [ML ISSUE] reply-to field ?

Okay guys,

so, just to calm down,

I never told you what to do. I just faced twice the problem of answering to the wrong addressee, and I saw that it happens sometimes to others. I listened to your proposal of using a MUA, then argued that it was not suiting my needs. (I don't think just about me, of course I really know you don't care about my personal issues, but I am talking about general ones in order to adapt to the most needs). As I said in the beginning, I doubt if I  were the first guy to ask you for that..... Celejar gave me a link that may explain why reply-to usage is bad, and I -verry sorry for that- gave my point of view, but please note that I did not tell you what you have to do.

Thanks for your attention.

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