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Re: Installation - deselect "standard" task ???

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Erik Cummings wrote:
> Alright - I've asked (and am pursuing) a different problem about my install not completing if I have any tasks selected (lots of "mirror" problem references, but I have tried 3 different mirrors about 6-7 times each!).
> The workaround is if I do NOT select the "standard" task and complete the install, everything appears to work fine...
> Once the system has rebooted if I run aptitude, it automatically selects about 60 packages and if I give it the go...it'll install and update them.
> I've installed a few additional packages (part of my "standard" load) and things are running fine.  I've got no broken dependencies, etc...
> BUT - I'm having a hard time finding a definitive answer to "yes this works".
> I've even found a couple vague references to "there are some things an admin would need to do or install manually".
> Anyone know anything about this?
> Erik
> P.S.  I am also downloading the weekly snapshot DVD image, since I am dealing with Etch/testing here and not stable...I'm hesitant to do this too many times!

There could be problems with some mirrors.  That is something that is
controlled by several servers between you and them and not something you
or they can do about it.  The only thing I can say is try different
mirrors, even ones that are not in your country can be faster than ones
that are.

As for your installation, if you can run aptitude at all, then it is
already working.

Without specifying which packages you're trying to install and what
you're planning on doing with the machine, I don't see how we can help
you.  It appears to be working.  At least the local side of things do.

However, it could be a problem with your network setup.  Are you able to
ping a server on the internet?


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