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Re: a dumb query? pls humor me

Am 2007-03-08 16:22:20, schrieb Mitja Podreka:
> Also everybody in the US would be speaking German in that case.
> But I guess this could not happen. The WW2 would for sure last longer if 
> there were no US help, but the end result would be the same

But do you know, that the USA had stolen the knowledge about
nuclear fission from the germans?  If the german had 5 years
more time, maybe the have developed the first Atombomb!

> To be fair: US is only cleaning the mess which it made during Soviet 
> attack on Afghanistan. And they only remembered about that mess, because 
> Taliban dropped bomb on their head. And Saddam also had to be removed 
> because he became too strong with all the support he got from US for 
> fighting Iran in the 80'.

A war which was provocked and heavily supported by the USA to get Irans
petrol back...  Over 1.000.000 milion iranien killed for nothing!

> It is hard to be forgiving to someone who makes same mistakes all the time.


You know:  "Maybe Allah forgive, but me not!"

I am origin iranien/turkish and Americans are partialy responsable
for the death of my parents which went killed by the "Kommunist
Worker Party of Iran" <http://www.wp-iran.org/> which went supported
by the US Governement to destabilize the Iran under the Shah.

Since then I live in exil in Germany and France.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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