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Re: Fonts from GDM?

On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 22:12:10 -0500
Matthew K Poer <matthewpoer@gmail.com> wrote:

> An odd situation: When I start Fluxbox (or any other WM) from GDM, I
> get to use the font and cursor set by GDM. 
> If I start fluxbox with 'startx' I am given another font and cursor.
> If I knew which font and cursor GDM was using, I would like to have
> fluxbox use them, but I don't. And I can't find where GDM's setting is
> that tells it which to use. /etc/gdm/gdm.conf doesn't mention much on
> fonts or cursors. I've explored /etc/X11 and found nothing. Can anyone
> point me in the right direction?

First of all, do any of the files .xinitrc, .xserverrc, .Xsession,
and .Xresources exist in your home directory? These customise your X
session, but are not used consistently in the two scenarios you
describe. If they exist, please show us the contents.

GDM probably uses the Industrial icon theme. You can make this the
default for all X sessions by executing (as root):

    update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme

As for the fonts, could it be that the fonts are the same but the
resolution is very different in the two cases? Or are the fonts
completely different? The output of the following commands in the two
environments might be helpful:

    xdpyinfo | grep resol
    xrdb -q | grep dpi



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