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Re: chroot doesn't work, among other things.

"David R. Litwin" <presently42@gmail.com> writes:

> Before doing this, I wish to recount a large development. I tried
> this morning to do _anything_ in what I thought to be the ash
> cli. This is why I think it is bash: I tried dpkg --configure -a and
> it said _bash_ couldn't find some folder or other since it wasn't in
> $PATH. I put the folder in to $PATH and aha! dpkg had error. This
> must stem from the problem. If you recall (I had better have
> mentioned this. If not, I'm a real dolt), this all started when I
> was trying to apt-get dist-upgrade my system, as usuall, but right
> after I fixed the recent xfs bug. As I was doing this, my system
> froze utterly and I had to do a hard reboot.


> So, there you have it. Now what?

So some part of the filesystem is knackered, and we can't know the
extent of the damage for sure.  Since it happened suring a
dist-upgrade, it's most likely some part of the packages upgraded at
that time.

I would suggest something like:

  # for pkg in $(dpkg --get-selections | sed -e 's/^\([^[:space:]]*\)[[:space:]]*.*$/\1/'); do sudo apt-get --reinstall install $pkg; done

You can probably speed this up with xargs if you like.  This will
reinstall every package on the system, so if any files are corrupt,
they will get replaced with a good copy.

If you have the option, a clean reinstall might be better, then you
known you won't run into additional problems if any files not replaced
by the above turn out to be corrupted as well.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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