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Re: Petition about the Firefox trademark problem

* Miles Bader <miles@gnu.org> [2006 Oct 26 16:56 -0500]:
> Nate Bargmann <n0nb@networksplus.net> writes:
> > Welcome to the non-DFSG world.
> What's sort of creepy is the way the mozilla proj is being so, er,
> obsessive, about "branding" -- yes it's a nice idea, but it seems also
> in danger of morphing into a pseudo-corporate bit of control-freakery.

As I suggested a day or two ago, I think this comes from knowing they
are playing (primarily) in Bill's Sandbox and are taking whatever steps
necessary to prevent having their "air supply cutoff".  In this light,
the control-freakery is almost completely understandable.

Based on things I've read over the years, it seems there are a number
of former Netscape employees involved in Mozilla who would love nothing
more than to exact their revenge for what was done to Netscape.

I don't necessarily agree with their approach, but as the people in
charge of the project, they have the right to run it as they see fit. 
Fortunately, so long as they maintain the triple licensing approach,
Debian and other interested parties have access to the source code,
which is much more important, IMHO.

- Nate >>

 Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB          |  Successfully Microsoft
  Amateur radio exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | free since January 1998.
             http://www.qsl.net/n0nb/           |  "Debian, the choice of
             My Kawasaki KZ-650 SR @            |     a GNU generation!"
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