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Re: How do I install a non packaged font in Debian?

#include <hallo.h>
* Angelina Carlton [Thu, Jul 20 2006, 05:15:33PM]:
> Eduard Bloch <edi@gmx.de> writes:

> Hi, I have installed the package fttools and removed the directories in

Yeah, read the hints and ignore them, I like that.

> /usr/share/fonts and /usr/local/share/fonts and now am simply working
> from a ~/.fonts to keep things from getting confusing. 

... and from working.

> But xlsfonts still show no fonts from my ~/.fonts folder. 
> I am trying to use the fonts in urxvt and in emacs if that matters. What
> is frustrating is that on the previous Sid install, I had installed
> these fonts wihout a problem and forgotten to document how I did it :)

As said before, xlsfonts does not care about your ~/.fonts folder
because it uses the old font management driven by the X server which
does not care about your personal directory. See xorg.conf for a list of
known font paths.

You probably used the xft-Syntax with urxvt before so it has used
Fontconfig system instead of X11. See urxvt manpage, eg.

              urxvt -fn "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=15"

<formorer> die user schreien auch nach ms word
<formorer> trotzdem tun wirs nicht ins Archiv
<weasel> formorer: nicht?
<weasel> formorer: was macht dann _rene_ die ganze zeit?

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