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Re: newbie question

Miles Fidelman wrote:
Gabriel Parrondo wrote:
El jue, 20-07-2006 a las 22:09 -0400, Miles Fidelman escribió:
and it turns out that it sure looks like the messages I'm trying to capture are generated too early in the startup process to hit the log files - guess I have to connect my laptop to the serial port and capture the console traffic

If all you need is watch at the messages at boot-time, then you could
press the "Scroll Lock" key, which will "pause" the boot process and
give you some time to read, then you can scroll with Shift+PageUp or
Shift+PageDown. When you're done you press "Scroll Lock" again and the
process goes on.

Yeah, but that's too easy :-)
Besides, it's nice to have a record.


man bootlogd  it's part of the sysvinit package...  :)

wulfy@Yewdales-lodge:~$ dpkg -S bootlogd
sysvinit: /sbin/bootlogd
initscripts: /etc/init.d/bootlogd
initscripts: /etc/init.d/stop-bootlogd
initscripts: /etc/default/bootlogd
sysvinit: /usr/share/man/man8/bootlogd.8.gz

wulfy@Yewdales-lodge:~$ apt-cache policy sysvinit
 Installed: 2.86.ds1-1
 Candidate: 2.86.ds1-1
 Version table:
*** 2.86.ds1-1 0
500 cdrom://[Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r1 _Sarge_ - Official i386 Binary-1 (20051220)] sarge/main Packages
       500 http://ftp.uk.debian.org stable/main Packages
       100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

hope this helps


Wulf Credo:
Respect the elders. Teach the young. Co-operate with the pack. Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between.
Share your affections. Voice your opinion. Leave your Mark.

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