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RE: How to correct corrupted dependencies?

irrevenant@netspace.net.au wrote:

> It won't let me install the package (even using -f) until "apt-get -f
> install" (with no package name) is run, and when I run "apt-get -f
> install" it crashes
> out; presumably because the dependencies reference a non-existent file. 
> (See the error messages in my original email).
> I've been through the man page, but it doesn't seem to have anything on
> what to do when the information in the dependencies database is wrong;
> presumably
> just locally.  If I could refresh the package information from the server
> that would probably do the trick, but an "apt-get update" doesn't seem to
> be enough.
> BTW, I'm using Etch.
> Thanks.

If you are dealing with multiple and severe dependency problems, not to be
solved by using -f on apt-get, you have two main choices:

        1) Wait for the maintainer(s) to fix problems
        2) Compile the sources and create your own package on the system where
           you want to install the package.

If you are dealing with an easy and stupid/trivial dependency problem you
can you the below method to whip your system into submission.

        dpkg -i --force-all <whatever-package.deb>

If you how downloaded the packages with apt-get, <whatever-package.deb> will
most likely reside in:  /var/cache/apt/archives

The above method can be used, for example, if your new package is ONLY
trying to overwrite a README file from another (or previous) package, which
you couldn't bother with anyway. Or what MAY be the case on your system,
trying to reference a non-existing (unnecessary?) file.

KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Disregarding this advice may severely F... U. your
system, depending on what caused the dependency problems in the first

Best regards

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** Mail me at: jan AT schledermann D0T org 

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