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Re: Firefox question about pop-up menus

Paul E Condon wrote:

First: I don't have to use Firefox. If there is another browser
that solves my problem, please suggest it. I'm willing to try
something new.

My problem: When I go to some web sites (more recently it seems)
and click on a hot-link, it brings up a menu that I am supposed
to select a sub-category from. The trouble is that the menu has
a transparent background. The existing web page shows through,
and I can't make out the text of the sub-categories. How can I
force pop-up menus to have opaque backgrounds? Use a different
browser is an OK answer, if you also suggest a particular one.

I'm not sure if there's a way to force menus to show opaque. What I do when I need to browse specific webpages is to have a bunch of browsers installed, and try in all of them. Currently I try to display the page in firefox, konqueror, mozilla and... netscape. If no one displays the page correctly, i give up. Its annoying, i admit. Most times the page more or less works, but there are some ie-specific pages that don't work at all. Addresses containing *cgi/cgilua.exe/sys/* stuff seem to display fully only on ie.

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