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Re: Running 2 versions of Debian?

Albert Dengg wrote:

On Thu, April 13, 2006 4:54 pm, Redefined Horizons said:

I ran into some trouble when I was trying to install the Debian packages
Mono. Turns out the stable packages for Sarge at backports.org required a
newer version of libc6 and libglib, which meant removing about 3/4 of the
other packages on my system.

I need a stable Debian OS for certain applications, but I would also like
work with some more recent versions of software for some development
projects. Is it possible to run the stable and testing versions of Debian
the same hard drive, but in different partitions? What would be the
disadvantages of that system? Where can I find some more information about
how to set that type of system up? (I'm currently dual-booting Debian with
MS Windows XP.)


Scott Huey


why would you want to tri boot and not having a simple chroot ?
(you could also combine these two options and run your other bootable
debian install also in a chroot, at least if the uids match...)

and using dchroot every user can run apps in the chroot, and with this
script it is also possible to simply create links to the programms from
outside the chroot and using bind mounts you can share the data between
chroot and outside..

i even ran a daemon once, but then you have to manually create the
startup links by hand...

i use such a setup currently to run i396 aps on my amd64 debian install

I had been thinking of similar things, to test some newer apps from Etch, or Sid, while keeping the safety of Sarge. I have never used chroot. Could you point me to a HOWTO, or tutorial that would tell me how to set this up?

Marc Shapiro

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What?! Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here.
Boom. Sooner or later ... boom!

- Susan Ivanova: B5 - Grail

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