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Re: How often should I fsck my ext3 partition?

Ali Milis wrote:
Johannes Wiedersich wrote:

The debian default of my sarge installations is that the ext3-FS are
fsck'ed about every 30 mounts or 180 days (whatever comes first).

This is just my  Euro 0.01 opinion:

180 days is reasonable for new disks.
Perhaps you would like to lower it when your disk goes old.

Did you know "SmartMontTools"?


A related question is how to do it without taking the machine down
uncleanly or fiddling an arcane file somewhere. I've thought about
perhaps doing...

$ mount -o remount -o ro /dev/hda5
$ fsck /dev/hda5
$ mount -o remount -o rw /dev/hda5

(I have /dev/hda5 mounted as / on my machine.) Is there any
exposure in this? I'm pretty leery of running fsck on a
r/w file system.

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