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Re: locked out from gdm - input field greyed out

B.Hoffmann wrote:
On Mon, 2006-03-27 at 01:39 -0600, Sumo Wrestler (or just ate too much)
B.Hoffmann wrote:
Being at the command line, is there a command structure to reverse what
I posted in the first post? I mean to reverse
ln -s /home/<insert your username here>/.themes /root/.themes

And what would it be? Ta.
If /root/.themes never existed before, I imagine this:
# rm /root/.themes

If you really need to keep /root/.themes, you might do this:
# rm /root/.themes
# cp -r /home/<your-user-name-here>/.themes /root/.themes

Above did not work and it is continuing to report that 'circles' could
not be loaded (this is the error I get) for graphical login, that's why
it's reverting back to standard greeter. Boxes in that one still greyed

Since gdm is sick right now, it's time to give it a rest:
# /etc/init.d/gdm stop

At least temporarily, you could use a new display manager:
# aptitude install kdm

Then make kdm (the KDE display manager) the default:
# update-rc.d -f gdm remove
# update-rc.d kdm defaults

Tried to start gnome-session from the command line after logging in and
get "Gtk-WARNING**:cannot open display:"

To start X from a console, you would typically use "startx." Since you
want to find out what's bugging gdm, I suggest (as root) this:
# gdm --nodaemon

To stop gdm, switch back to virtual terminal 2 (Control-Alt-F2) and hit Control-C.

Is there a way to edit gdm.conf from the command line? And how to
display the file for editing?

You can use "vi" to edit the gdm.conf file:
# vi /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf

After you do that, verify that everything is okay under

Kind Regards,

Linux User #398054

-Foresight Linux- -Ubuntu- -Debian (Sarge)-

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