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Re: Proposed change for subscriptions...

Anand Kumria wrote:
It is because the listmasters, of which I am one,

Good, finally a name to go with this idiocy. Anand Kumria, clueless list manager.

 who read a lot of
lists know precisely what happens when you close a list. People who
want help can't get it.

Bull. You think you know. Now here's the flip side. On the lists I've run over the years I've never had anyone have problem subscribing. So now it's your anecdotal tripe against mine.

But what I do know and can be proven is that having an open list causes problems. Spam, given. Clueless AOL newbies constantly posting to the list thinking it is something else. Collateral damage from people who think responding to spam to point out it is spam or responding to the AOL newbies *on the list* is somehow helpful. All of that is known. All of that is cut out with one configuration switch. One that, Anand Kumria, clueless list manager, things *might* make it impossible for someone to click on a button on Debian's website to subscribe to the list. If it's such a problem, then figure out why the button is so hard to find and/or click on.

The whole *point* of debian-user is to facilitate that.

    Yes.  And the above mentioned very real problems are counter productive.

Or, they might only have access to a webmail service like hotmail via
Windows.  And just maybe they are trying to setup networking, wifi,
broadband or even dual-booting.

Webbrowser, so they can actually clicky on the button to subscribe. Wow, immensely hard right there. Sorry, not buying it.

         Steve C. Lamb         | Anand Kumria <wildfire@progsoc.uts.edu.au>
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | spam facilitator on Debian-user

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