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Re: Determine order of network interfaces

On 2/23/06, Magnus Therning <magnus@therning.org> wrote:

My temporary solution was to change the pattern for one of the devices.
My problematic device is a rt2500-based PCI wireless card. I put the
following in a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ :

options rt2500 ifname=wlan%d

That renamed my wireless to wlan0, instead of jumping between eth0 and

Maybe something similar is possible with the drivers you're using?

I tried this:

options eth1394 ifname=ieee%d

but it didn't work. I actually think the ifname= parameter is specific to the rt2500 driver, and I couldn't see that the eth1394 driver had something similar. But it was worth a shot anyway, I'm getting frustrated...:p


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