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Re: Tiny fonts in Blackbox

On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 06:20:31PM +0100, Juanjavier Martínez wrote:
> The latter ones, since I am posting regarding a blackbox issue ;-)

Which means nothing.  You don't specify... and since I'm not interested in
beating details out of cluebies... I *asked*.

> So how could I tell it to use bigger fonts on desktop and menus?

Blackbox couldn't care less about your "desktop".  Look at the
documentation for whatever application manages your "desktop" to determine
how to control its fonts.  Nautilus, ROX-Filer, idesk, and others are
usually used for that purpose.

Blackbox manages windows.  That's all it does.  To that end, it decorates
them with a title bar and other controls.

> Taken from the Blackbox FAQ 
> http://blackboxwm.sourceforge.net/BlackboxFAQ/NewQuestions
> *A1:* You can change the fonts on the window title bars by editing the 
> current style file which you're using and changing the *font or 
> window.title*font resource. To find out what style file you're currently 
> using, grep your Blackbox config file (usually ~/.blackboxrc for 
> session.styleFile).
> As I stated above, found nothing on the .blackboxrc file (attached to this 
> mail) regarding "font-size-on-desktop-environment" to tell it to do so.

The FAQ entry doesn't tell you to invent blackboxrc entries at random to
search for, and then whine about them not being there. It tells you exactly
what to look for to find out what style file blackbox is using, and then
what to change in that style file to alter the fonts.

It's really not a big deal, once you actually bother to read.  Difficult, I
know, but you'll have to learn how someday.

 Marc Wilson |     Drawing on my fine command of language, I said
 msw@cox.net |     nothing.

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