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Re: weird fam/samba problem

On Tuesday 07 February 2006 05:07, seeker5528@comcast.net wrote:
>On Thu, 2 Feb 2006 22:05:36 -0600
>Jacob S <stormspotter@6Texans.net> wrote:
>> Fam was started by /etc/init.d/fam on my Sid machine. (I say was
>> because it appears my machine is now using avahi, since I did an
>> apt-get upgrade the other day.)
>These are unrelated things. Avahi provides "a framework for Multicast
>DNS Service Discovery" AKA zeroconf AKA rendezvous AKA bonjour AKA
>whatever Apple decides to call it next week.
>Fam is for tracking changes to files and reporting those back to
>applications. Gamin is intended to be a better replacement for fam,
>whether it lives up to that I don't know, but it's what I have
>installed on my system.
>Later, Seeker

Well, the original post from me was because fam had asserted locks on 
the smb mounted devices, but only for the mounts coming from that 
debian box, none of the rest of my smbmounts were affected.  And I have 
NDI what starts fam on this box, but I see that it was indeed restarted 
with the last reboot.  But now, I can mount and umount those device 
paths without any interference from fam, so its not a 100% of the time 
thing, and relegates itself to head scratcher status I guess.  One of 
those DamnedIfIknow things.

If it happens again, I'll see if the logs say anything, but I don't 
recall seeing anything that might pull the light switch chain the last 
time I looked for clues...

Cheers, Gene
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