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Re: about scp

Nevruz Mesut Sahin <databasearia@yahoo.com> writes:

> hello friends I am to trying to server ssh -p 19666
> www.myservername.com and I am connecting sucsacfully to server. but
> if I try to copy some file from server or server to my computer scp
> does not work may be I am using wrong command. could you please help
> me about command .

I once ran afoul of a problem with the same symptom.  If your
bash_profile (or other init script) prints something in
non-interactive shells^*, then scp and ssh with command will fail, but
you can still log in with straight ssh.

Can you issue a command using ssh?

$ ssh example.com ls

You should see the output of ls.

[*] bash will go out of its way to clear PS1 in non-interactive
shells.  In my .bashrc, I have

## bash_profile or bashrc

<< put init stuff here, no printouts or ssh/scp will get upset >>

[ -z "$PS1" ] && return 0

PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
<< put your aliases and printy junk after the test >>


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