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Re: Where to file a package-dependency bug?

(Grrr... same broken "reply to poster, not to list" behaviour...
resending to the mailing list, and setting reply-to by hand despite the
extra aggravation.)

On 01/02/2006 12:20 PM, Kevin B. McCarty wrote:

The Wanderer wrote:

In current sid, the x-winow-system-core package depends on both
xfonts-75dpi and xfonts-100dpi. The package description for
xfonts-75dpi includes the note:

 This package and xfonts-100dpi provide the same set of fonts, rendered at
 different resolutions; only one or the other is necessary, but both may be

xfonts-100dpi contains a mirror of the same sentence.

This is either a bug in x-window-system-core (AND dependency rather
than OR dependency) or a bug in both xfonts-75dpi and xfonts-100dpi
(incorrect description). Under which package should I file the bug

I'd file it against x-window-system-core (with severity "minor" or
"wishlist", since nothing is really broken by the existing
situation). The xfonts-*dpi descriptions are true enough, you only
need one of the sets of fonts installed.

That's what I would have preferred myself, but I couldn't be sure which
side the problem was on. (The point about severity goes without saying.)
Thanks; filing report now.

(In the process, I've discovered that reportbug does not permit a bug to
be reported on a dependency package, but only on the packages it depends
on. This is probably another bug...)

      The Wanderer

Warning: Simply because I argue an issue does not mean I agree with any
side of it.

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.

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