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Re: Request to remove Information

On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 12:22:56PM -0600, Gnu-Raiz wrote:

> > We are fat because we eat too much; because it's easy and cheap to eat
> > too much. I am fat because I eat when I'm bored or not hungry at all, not
> > because of growth hormones fed to cows. I prefer more natural things but
> > I'm not going to go blaming someone else because I eat too much.
> > 
> Lets take a look at history, every since man was able to
> water crops, we have been genetically engineering our crops.
> We have selected out the crops that are hardy to weather
> changes, and strains that are more productive. In a sense we
> have used the lab of mother earth to help us be more
> productive.
> Their is a problem with your logic, so in order to refuse
> genetically engineered foods we should go back to the most
> ancient type of crops, not mess with nature. Well that in a

Well, the whole problem boils down to "eat what you want". No problems
with that. The problem arises if what I don't want to eat is masked or
passed as something else. Someone's freedom to worship science and eat
whatever crap scientists make should not imply that my freedom not to
eat it may be diminished. I'm not refusing it for you, I am refusing
someone telling me what to eat. And for sure when crap comes out
labels on it will not warn the dissidents. You should eat whatever you
want. But I also should have the same freedom. However today is near
impossible to find flour that is not fortified, or milk that has no
vitamin D added. All because some crowd of interested parties,
followed by science worshipers decided to make it mandatory. Doesn't
it bother you, that the goverment can decide that you shall not drink
milk without their added D? The only science that has withstood time
is mathematics, the Queen, according to Euler. The other branches,
come and go, their stability being directly proportional to their
mathematical foundation (physics). If you don't think so, just have a
look at whatever politicians or just common people try to push at any
given moment: "scientific data suggests..." is repeated as a mantra,
and taken to be the absolute truth, no matter how many times life has
proven that theories are just that, theories, that will be denied a
few years later, and replaced by new ones, which that time, "for sure,
will be right". Science is the new religion. A few centuries ago, if
you dared to go against the church, you would end up fried. Now, if
you dare to say that you give a shit about what scientists think, you
may not be fried physically, but you may be near crucified in a public
list as this. And I really give a shit about what scientists say. But
I care about them or someone mandating me to eat what I don't want.

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