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Re: support for amd64?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bruno Buys" <brunobuys@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: gmane.linux.debian.user
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 9:09 PM
Subject: support for amd64?

I was trying to figure out how good is debian support for amd64. Will it
stand, in the long run? I do regular internet/email/writing stuff, as
well as multimedia editing with marillat's software. I enjoy having a
huge software archive, as is the x86 case. Will I suffer under amd64?
Any insights? Why is there a 'pure64' dir on debian archives? Is it
different from amd64?

Well, the sarge AMD64 port is 100% supported. It is for all intents and purposes 'official' except for by name and true integration into the archive. That said backports, security team, volatile all fully support it. Also soon (i hope) it will be part of the main archive, which means that 'official' sid and testing versions will be available.

pure64 was the name used for development of a pure version of amd64. The idea was that needing /lib64 etc was stupid as all packages would be compiled in a 64 bit version. So pure64 had no support for running 32bit applications unless the package 'ia32-libs' was installed which would allow for many (most?) but not all 32 bit programs to be run.

The default archive at amd64.debian.net (the one in the debian directory) is pure64. I have no clue what debian-amd64 is, but i'm pretty sure it is not what was released next to sarge, and i think it will not be the one intgrated into the debian archive, but I really don't know. I personally would like amd63 to be integrated into the archive ASAP so that we can just point people to etch, unless they want the extra stability of stable.

Pure64 note:
For workstations, you still need a 32bit chroot for OpenOffice.org, wine, MPlayer with win32 codecs or mozilla with flash plugin, to name the most common. But nonetheless a growing number of people use these ports on their desktop system, and are really happy with it.

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