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Re: support for amd64?

On Mon August 29 2005 06:09 pm, Bruno Buys wrote:
> I was trying to figure out how good is debian support for amd64. Will it
> stand, in the long run? I do regular internet/email/writing stuff, as
> well as multimedia editing with marillat's software. I enjoy having a
> huge software archive, as is the x86 case. Will I suffer under amd64?
> Any insights? Why is there a 'pure64' dir on debian archives? Is it
> different from amd64?

It will stand quite well I think. 90+ % of debian i386 is running fine on 
amd64. There are a few packages missing (like cdrdao) but they will be along 
soon. The merillat archive for amd64 isn't nearly as big as it is for i386, 
at least not yet (I did see a big amd64 experimental merrilat archive in my 
travells but haven't looked at it in any detail yet). I'm just keeping an eye 
out for now. I am no expert on the matter, I don't maintain any amd64 stuff I 
just use it, but from what I can see it may be a while before amd64 has the 
same multimedia support that i386 has. There is also no flash player for 
amd64 (or win/64 for that matter) or openoffice.org. I have both amd64 and 
i386 installed so I go back and forth as needed, or you can also chroot into 
a different root (I don't have much experience with that).

I'm not sure why there was amd64 and pure64 before, but I think there is only 
pure64 now. AFAIK that is what Sarge amd64 r0a is but that would probably be 
best answered by someone else. The info I have about it is scattered and 

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