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Re: adding modules to kernel

Bob Proulx on 29/08/05 03:35, wrote:

* You are not using --append-to-version.  You should because otherwise
  your package versions will be simply 2.6.12 or similar and won't
  have any way to differentiate them from each other.

These questions can all be answered in the docs here:


Right. Having read that and also the man page, I got the following advice which confused my simple caffeine starved brain. What do I do if I only want to compile a module which I forgot in xconfig? Can I avoid the complete compile??

Quote man:
 --append_to_version foo
Please note that you must run a make-kpkg clean after configuring the kernel using make (x|menu)?config, since that creates the file include/linux/version.h without the append_to_version data (foo). This file won't be updated by the make-kpkg run (make-kpkg creates version.h if it doesn't exist, but doesn't touch if exists), so the final kernel will _not_ have the append_to_version data in its version number it shall look for the modules and symbols in all the wrong places. The simplest solution is either to remove include/linux/version.h after configuring and before compiling, or running make-kpkg clean after configuring, before compiling.

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