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Re: Re: Manipulation debconf database and package unatteneded installation and configuration (locally)

I now this solution with debconf-get-selections/debconf-set-selections but it want to automatically preconfigure only some (BUT NOT ALL) packages using the values (answers) from my previous Debian installation or package installation (after purging).

For example, I have "harden" package with every its dependencies (predependencies and recommendations) well-configured and other packages bad-configured (It's will be a good idea to preconfigure these packages again). And I want to reinstall my Debian system or install similar system on another computer.

To backup the debconf database (configdb) I simply run:
debconf-copydb configdb newbackup --config=Name:newbackup
--config=Driver:File --config=Filename:newbackup.dat

debconf-get-selections/debconf-set-selections solution will fully copy my old debconf db to my new
debconf db but and I will have to manually run dpkg-reconfigure for a large amount of my packages.
I think that it is not very convenient.

There is another (3rd) solution:
Copy answers for only one package by means of debconf-copydb:
debconf-copydb configdb pkgbackup --owner <package name mask (regular expression)>
--config=Name:pkgbackup --config=Driver:File --config=Filename:pkgbackup.dat
And after reinstalling the Debian system run:
debconf-copydb pkgbackup configdb --config=Name:pkgbackup --config=Driver:File
But this solution has many disadvantages:
1) I don't remember exactly for what packages I have to save configuration (answers) and I recall
this only after reinstalling
2) I want to save package configuration with all its dependencies's configuration and I will have
to create full dependency list (with recommends) and run
debconf-copydb configdb pkgbackup --owner <package name mask (regular expression)>
for every dependency
3) I will not have 2 manners of preseed the debconf database (FALLBACK & OVERRIDE (see env vars

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